Learn by watching movies
to be late for
llegar tarde. Note el uso de la preposición for.
to look for
tardanzas (en la escuela)
in a row
seguidas, consecutivas
Doc: Listen. This is very important. I forgot my video camera, could you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall?
Marty: Er... yeah, I'm on my way.
to stop by
pasar por un lugar y detenerse por poco tiempo
to pick up
on your way
en su camino, cuando vaya. Note la diferencia con in the way = en el camino, pero obstruyendo el paso.
I'm on my way
Ya estoy saliendo para allá
A bolt of lightning strikes the clock towerDoc: Marty, I'm sorry, but the only power source capable of generating one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.
Marty: What did you say?
Doc: A bolt of lightning. Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike.
a bolt of lightning
un rayo. Lightning (rayos) es incontable. Para referirse a un rayo, debemos usar a bolt of.
to strike
Note el uso de este verbo para referirse a un rayo - a bolt of lightning strikes.
Marty lets Doc see the photographDoc: Let me see that photograph again of your brother. Just as I thought, this proves my theory, look at your brother.
Marty: His head's gone, it's like it's been erased.
Doc: Erased from existence.
to prove a theory
demostrar una teoría (prove no significa probar)
it's like...
es como si...
Doc: You know Marty, I'm gonna be very sad to see you go. You've really made a difference in my life. You've given me something to shoot for. Just knowing that I'm gonna be around to see 1985, that I'm gonna succeed in this. That I'm gonna have a chance to travel through time. It's going to be really hard waiting 30 years before I could talk to you about everything that's happened in the past few days. I'm really gonna miss you, Marty.
Marty: I'm really gonna miss you... Doc, about the future...
Doc: No, Marty, we've already agreed that having information about the future could be extremely dangerous. Even if your intentions are good, they could backfire drastically. Whatever you've got to tell me I'll find out through the natural course of time.
to make a difference in somebody's life
ser importante para alguien. Note el uso de la preposición in.
to succeed in something
tener éxito con algo. Note el uso de la preposición in.
to travel trough time viajar a través del tiempo
it's hard waiting/to wait es difícil esperar. Puede usarse el gerundio o el to-infinitve.
to backfire producir resultados inesperados. Literalmente, significa explotar demasiado pronto.
the natural course of time el curso normal de los hechos
TRUMAN: Maybe I'm being set up for something. You ever feel like that, Marlon? Like your whole life has been building to something?
MARLON: A coincidence. Haven't you ever heard of a coincidence?
TRUMAN: I'm a walking coincidence. I can't count them. No, something's happening, Marlon. I've got to get to the bottom of it.
MARLON: Of what? Why're you doing this to yourself?
TRUMAN: I'm scared, Marlon. I'm as scared as hell. But I've never felt more alive. It's just like she said.
TRUMAN: It doesn't matter. She was too beautiful for here.
TRUMAN: Can you lend me some money? A hundred bucks.
MARLON: All I got on me is the takings from the machines. Why do you need it?
TRUMAN: I'm going away for a while.
to set somebody up for something
preparar todo para que le pase algo a alguien. Aquí se usa en forma pasiva, indicando 'me están preparando todo esto por algo'.
to get to the bottom of something llegar hasta el fondo de la cuestión
scared as hell literalmente, asustado como el infierno. Es una forma de decir 'realmente muy asustado'.
to lend prestar. No debe confundirse con to borrow que significa tomar prestado.
all I got on me todo lo que tengo encima
takings dinero acumulado
to go away escaparse
for a while por un tiempo
Truman wants to book a flight to Australia TRUMAN: I want to book a flight to Australia.
AGENT: Where exactly?
TRUMAN: Australia.
AGENT: Where in Australia? What city?
TRUMAN: Sorry, Sydney. Sydney, Australia. That's right.
AGENT: For how many?
AGENT: When do you want to leave, remembering, of course, that you do lose a day on the way there?
TRUMAN: Today.
AGENT: I'm sorry. I don't have anything for a week.
TRUMAN: A week?
AGENT: It's the busy season.
TRUMAN: Are you sure you're not trying to keep me here? You are a travel agent, aren't you? Your job is to help people travel, not keep them where they are. Or maybe you're a different kind of agent, Doris?
AGENT: I do have a fabulous rate on a cruise ship departing for Australia tomorrow. But you wouldn't want to do that.
TRUMAN: Why wouldn't I?
AGENT: I thought you were in a hurry.
TRUMAN: That's right.
to book a flight to somewhere
reservar un vuelo a algún lugar. Note el uso de la preposición to.
you do lose usted sí que pierde. El auxiliar do se usa para enfatizar.
on the way en el camino. Note la diferencia con in the way = en el camino, pero obstruyendo el paso.
the busy season la temporada alta
to keep somebody somewhere detener a alguien en algún lugar
travel agent agente de viajes. Para aprender más vocabulario de viajes vea Tourism.
a cruise ship un crucero
to depart for somewhere partir hacia algún lugar. Note el uso de la preposición for.
to help people travel - to help somebody do something Lo importante aquí es recordar la construcción con el verbo to help. Note que se usa el verbo sin to.
in a hurry en un apuro, en apuros
CHRISTOF: How long will another chopper take?
SIMEON: By the time we pick up the pilots, too long.
CHRISTOF: We have to stop him for his own good. Turn him back with the elements.
SIMEON: There's no rescue boat in the area. He won't know what to do.
MOSES: For God's sake, Chris. The whole world is watching. We can't kill him in front of a live audience.
CHRISTOF: He was born in front of a live audience. Don't worry, he's not willing to risk his life for the truth. His doubts will turn him back.
by the time para cuando
to pick up recoger
too long demasiado, mucho (en este caso, tiempo)
for his own good por su propio bien
to turn somebody back hacer volver a alguien a su posición anterior
for God's sake por Dios. Exclamación usada cuando se da una orden o para mostrar irritación, enojo. También suele usarse for Heaven's sake.
to watch observar. Para aprender en detalle las formas de observar vea Ways of looking.

Mufasa: Simba, I'm very disappointed in you.
Simba: I know.
Mufasa: You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse, you put Nala in danger!
Simba: I was just trying to be brave like you.
Mufasa: I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba... being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.
Simba: But you're not scared of anything.
Mufasa: I was today.
Simba: You were?
Mufasa: Yes... I thought I might lose you.
Simba: Oh. I guess even kings get scared, huh?
Mufasa: Mm-hmm.
Simba: But you know what?
Mufasa: What?
Simba: I think those hyenas were even scareder.
Mufasa: Because nobody messes with your dad. Come here, you.
to be disappointed in somebody
estar decepcionado, desilusionado con alguien. También puede decirse with somebody.
and what's worse y lo que es peor
to put somebody in danger poner a alguien en peligro
to look for something buscar algo
to be scared of something tener miedo de algo, estar asustado por algo
to get scared temer, tener miedo
scareder más asustado. Para aprender a realizar comparaciones, vea Comparatives and Superlatives.
to mess with somebody meterse con alguien
Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him?Pumbaa: Uh-oh. Hey, Timon! You'd better come look! I think it's still alive...
Who's the brains in this outfit?Timon: Er... All righty, what have we got here? Jeez, it's a lion! Run, Pumbaa! Move it!
Pumbaa: Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him?
Timon: Pumbaa, are you nuts? We're talking about a lion. Lions eat guys like us.
Pumbaa: But he's so little.
Timon: He's gonna get bigger.
Pumbaa: Maybe he'll be on our side.
Timon: U-huh! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Maybe he'll b-- ... Hey, I got it! What if he's on our side? You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.
Pumbaa: So are we keeping him?
Timon: Of course. Who's the brains in this outfit?
Pumbaa: Er...
Timon: My point, exactly. Jeez, I'm fried! Let's get out of here and find some shade.
Interjección que indica sorpresa o duda. También suele escribirse oh-oh.
hey Interjección usada para llamar la atención de alguien.
you'd better... sería mejor que... Recuerde que esta expresión es seguida de un verbo en infinitivo.
er... Interjección que indica duda, incertidumbre, usada cuando aún se está pensando qué decir.
all righty Significa lo mismo que all right: bueno, muy bien. La -y final se agrega para simular la forma de hablar de los chicos.
move it! Vamos! Apurate!
to look at something mirar algo. Para aprender en detalle las formas de observar vea Ways of looking.
all alone totalmente solo. El adverbio all seguido de un adjetivo significa completamente, totalmente.
are you nuts? estás loco? Es una expresión informal.
to talk about something hablar sobre algo. Note el uso de la preposición about. Para aprender en detalle las formas de hablar vea Ways of speaking.
he's gonna = he's going to el va a... La forma gonna es usada informalmente en conversación solamente.
bigger más grande. Para aprender a realizar comparaciones, vea Comparatives and Superlatives.
to be on our side estar de nuestro lado
u-huh! Interjección que indica certeza, usada para demostrar que uno tiene razón. Equivale al castellano ajá!
the stupidest la más estúpida (o el más estúpido). Para aprender a realizar comparaciones, vea Comparatives and Superlatives.
I've ever heard que jamás he escuchado
to keep something quedarse con algo
the brains el cerebro. Cuando se hace referencia al órgano se dice the brain, pero cuando se refiere al intelecto, a la inteligencia se dice the brains.
outfit equipo, grupo
jeez! Exclamación, forma corta de decir Jesus! cuyo equivalente sería Por Dios!
I'm fried! Estoy frito! No tengo salida!
Ver más en la web mencionada anteriormente.
# 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEYAprender inglés con Titanic
# STAR WARSAprender inglés con Star Wars
# DEAD POETS SOCIETYAprender inglés con Notting Hill
# THE LITTLE MERMAIDAprender inglés con Finding Nemo
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